Who We Are?
We are a boutique and highly specialized advisory, analytics, design, and research group, with proven expertise in green growth, econometrics, geoinformatics, environmental science, clean technology, bio/nano technology, and sustainable finance. We also specialize in private and public international law, practice, and negotiations.
We work in agriculture, resources, energy, infrastructure, defense, and outer space sectors addressing some of the stressing issues faced by humanity, through smart innovations, data-backed analysis & strategic insights. We aim to attain inclusive global green growth, ably supported by AI assisted data platform and deep research.
We work with global businesses, international organizations, security establishments, research agencies, and governments exchanging ideas, sharing knowledge, providing strategic inputs, establishing finance linkage, and assisting in creating impact. We help businesses attaining sustainability transition, clean technology integration, adapting to cutting-edge bio/nano technologies, to attain excellence in their processes, and creating highly innovative and effective product offerings.
We facilitate smart innovations and value creation in two broad human centric themes –
(1) Clean + healthy consumption in terms of agriculture & organic foods, water & air, and healthcare systems
(2) Sustainable living + development in terms of energy & resources, infrastructure & communities, and inclusive governance.

Our advisory services include climate finance, financial engineering, climate risk assessment, climate conflict assessment, environmental valuation, carbon market analysis, ESG & socially responsible investing, sustainability standards, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and advisory on UNFCCC initiated GEF or programs like REDD+.
Our project critical climate action planning and program design capabilities facilitates the successful implementation of climate adaptation and mitigation projects through comprehensive stakeholders’ engagement, sound economics, advanced engineering, and strategic insights. We provide strategy and technical assistance in green growth planning, clean energy transition, climate smart agriculture, green buildings, smart urban development, water and waste management, and sustainable supply chains.

We offer proficiency in advanced climate data analytics including geospatial data analytics, environmental econometrics, and climate risk management. We conduct impact evaluations of developmental programs, undertake feasibility studies and environmental impact assessments, we assess carbon footprints and carbon capture & utilization (CCU), we advise on sustainability standards and act as accreditation agency for sustainability standards.
We provide research backed advice in highly specific areas of law such as those relating to resources, technology, and outer space. Our advisory is objective, accurate and strategic, and always backed by sound legal framework. We handle International commercial arbitrations seated in India, Singapore, U.K., Switzerland, Canada and many more. We also provide consultation on effective international commercial contracts and assist in contract negotiations.

Through independent associate ventures, we work on specific areas critical to environmental protection, natural resources preservation, program management, technical support, media outreach, security, crisis management, exploration, and human beneficial interventions:
At Engineering Lab ‘Viwika’, through integrated green architecture, sustainable engineering, clean technology, and advanced materials approach we create comprehensive building information modeling (BIM), detailed engineering design, front-end engineering design (FEED), and basic engineering, for highly sustainable smart development projects.
At Geospatial Lab ‘Shadvala’, we work on advanced GIS technology, geo analytic tools, geoinformatics, and spatial computing to improve agriculture and resources productivity, urban and regional planning, infrastructure and logistics optimization, smart mapping, decision making, crisis management, improving transparency, or identifying geopolitical / geosocial risks.
Our approach to project delivery is strategic and dynamic, and we are able to deliver time-bound and highly optimized clean-technology infrastructure through our in-house resources and complex technical expertise. Our approach to program management is innovative and bold, and we are able to manage highly tactical developmental programs. Our dedication and involvement in our work is complete, and Internationally, we are capable of working in most fragile and vulnerable geographies.
Our project strategies are highly accurate and effective. They are culmination of perfect understanding of client needs, application of world-class technologies, and time-bound deliveries. Irrespective of size or scale of the assignment, our engagement team of highly capable domain knowledge experts and the backend support team will always follow a structured process, including coordinated project management practices and stringent quality control, to attain successful deliveries. The process is essentially characterized by systematic research, insightful analysis, smart wisdom, optimized strategy, and impactful projects.
We are fully employee-owned company, making us immune to outside influences. There are no external shareholder priorities to influence our decision making, meaning we can choose the work we take on and focus on the issues that are important and critical, without any biases. As we are independent in thought and action, our advisory, consultations or solutions are genuinely right for the client’s business. This also means, our people stay with us for long as they have a stake in the company, enabling a client to interact with someone doing a great job and having a great rapport, for long – during entire duration of the assignment. In fact, for the next assignment or further. Stronger retention gives depth of experience, skills, and knowledge. Our ownership model also empowers us to invest in all the core ingredients of excellence: excellent people, supported by industry-leading systems and advanced technology. Professional networks, continued education opportunities, and relentless trainings & webinars for learning, fresh ideas and digital innovation throughout the company.

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The world is dynamic, that changes people’s needs and aspirations, continuously. We always seek to address this dynamism through strategic solutions, which are time relevant and are useful. Our global network of experts is trained and highly experienced to view this dynamism from fresh angle and finds opportunities and solutions in the complexity. It brings together diverse skills, experience, and insight, to turn obstacles into elegant, sustainable solutions, which many a times are ‘out of the box’, in a view of adding value at every stage.
We are always listening, accessible, and inclusive, although firm on our values, as we understand the criticality and lasting potential of impacts of the work we do, forcing us to work only on the ‘positives’ and eliminating all the ‘negatives.’ We believe in maximizing benefits of all the work we do for the stakeholders and the society at large, whether in agriculture, energy, infrastructure, natural resources, outer space, or the security.
We believe in Operational excellence above creative excellence, for today’s benefit while protecting tomorrow; evolutionary innovations over revolutionary innovations, for faster implementation with less perceived risk and less resources need; Innovations strongly backed by intelligent, systematic, and patient planning; Innovations not simply for creativity but for organizational and societal benefits; and innovating to focus on capabilities, strengths, passion, and goodwill.
Our values are developed from the ancient Vedas. The Vedic wisdom has great practical relevance and significance to human-centric nature focused, scientific and knowledge driven development, which can be deployed fruitfully to the contemporary business organizations.
The objective of a company is to create value for its shareholders and stakeholders, while holding on to principles of corporate governance. (The Vedas repeatedly call upon everyone to earn and maximize wealth, at the same time being responsible to the society.)
The capital-structure planning will always be looking at minimizing the debt. (The Vedas emphasize that one shall clear all debts, whether financial, personal, societal or spiritual.)
We will always follow ethical business practices as laid down by the culture and regulations and preserve all the intellectual property in whichever country we will work and never indulge in corruption or unfair trade practices. (The Vedas stipulate that wealth has to be earned only through fair means and one should put in his best efforts to acquire wealth through ethical and moral practices.)
We will accord high priority to acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, above all other business goals. (The Vedas reiterate that only knowledge liberates, thus whatever is done with proper knowledge and wisdom becomes more effective. The Vedas further caution that one who follows the ‘Avidya’ (nescience) shall traverse and suffer in darkness.)
We uphold safety, security, equality, and wellbeing as a fundamental right of all. We will highly be conscious of human rights, gender equality, and fair work environment. (Vedas lay great emphasis on fair human rights, fair employment practices and a culture without any discrimination.)
All our processes will be devised towards excellence in time management, total quality management, value proposition and environmental preservation. (The Vedas inspire one to follow the ‘dharma’, the rules of nature, and the ideals of giving ‘the best’ back to the nature and the society in all what you do. And that’s your duty to the society and the earth.)
In summary our values will be guided by progress, respect, integrity, knowledge, innovation, excellence, and environment
Since 2006 the MAYTRA Group has built extensive global outreach, capability, and expertise in successful design and implementation of range of climate adaptation & mitigation projects and client’s transition to advanced clean technology. Projects also include those in agriculture, energy, infrastructure, resources, outer space, and defense.
We have assisted numerous clients in climate action, adaptation & mitigation strategy, sustainable finance, responsible investments, clean technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, conflict resolution, capacity-building for climate resilience, and in smart development. We provide optimized financial linkages, advisory solutions, and critical support to client’s projects/programmes
Focused on sustainable development, environmental preservation, and societal welfare, our teams of highly competitive international experts have consistently provided critical advisory backed by deep research and sophisticated analytics, to governments wanting to attain human centric green growth, to the private sector wanting to attain sustainable business growth, and to the NGOs looking to create tangible impact.
Our high-level global network and clients consist of large international banks, impact funds, multilateral and bilateral agencies, government departments across all continents, international NGOs, and multinational private sector companies working in agriculture, energy, resources, infrastructure, outer space, defense, and entertainment. We also work with international consulting and professional law firms
The Group Registered Office/s and Operational Teams are based out of Pune (India), while the Business Offices are in Delhi (India), Estonia (EU) and New Brunswick (Canada). We keep highest standards of integrity in all we do and are certified as ISO 37001. This is the international anti-bribery management standard, which assures fairness, openness, and honesty to all our employees, subconsultants and suppliers everywhere we work.
We have successfully delivered high level assignments in 33 countries across Asia, Africa, Americas, and Europe since 2006, mainly in the field of climate advisory, program design & evaluations, framework contracts, clean technology projects, architectural & engineering consultancy, economic & policy consultancy, investment banking, big data and geoinformatics data analytics, and graphic design & animation. We have also successfully completed large EPC contracts across Asia and Africa.
Our portfolio also consists of projects to improve health, education, and energy access, and to recover from natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding. We have worked in major conflict zones with consistent track of zero incidences. Our people have taken lead roles in the world’s highest profile infrastructure and development projects, complex research and analytics assignments, and access to livelihood and finance programs.
Working with us is to have access to the vast knowledge of internationally recognized engineers, architects, project and programme managers, environmentalists, planners, economists, mathematicians, data scientists, tech-professionals, designers, social scientists, project finance advisors, lawyers, and much more. This is one of the most gender and culture balanced team, which we have, with openness, friendliness, and personal commitment one expects from a boutique business